Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Seed In Time | Rushka Johnson | TEDxPortElizabethSalon

Whoop!! my TEDx talk. please share the love for seed and earth..

"Rushka Johnson - Environmental Activist

Times and conditions are changing so rapidly
that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
The onus is on each of us to cultivate the change we need, if we are to see ourselves, our
communities and our environment not only survive, but thrive.
Communities are confronted with challenges from all spheres and we need leadership with solutions
by us, for us.
Laws which affect the survival of our environment are being passed and enforced for corporate monopoly, forgetting that we are borrowing this environment from future generations.

The future is taking place with or without us… Will we shape the future or turn a blind eye? an Environmental Activist, Seed Freedom guardian, permaculture enthusiast and organic vegetable farmer.

Head convener for the March Against Monsanto Port Elizabeth for 3 years from 2014, is part of the No GMO South Africa community, Resistance is fertile South Africa, started the Roundup Out campaign in 2016 and organizer for Over Grow the system South Africa 2017.

Currently working on eliminating toxic herbicide from public areas in Port Elizabeth as well as creating awareness on the Seed Laws that are in the process of being passed.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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