Moving day is NEVER a walk in the park... But if you are moving to your dream home.. It's a different story...
The dream..
Its here..
An organic veg farm WITH A VIEW..
It's time to feel like a superhero !!!

AND its got 4 water tanks and enough sweet potatoes to feed an army..
(Gonna need that with all of our children in tow)..
Have to say though.. I wouldn't call them ... In Tow...
They are such capable and hard working beings.... They might even be pulling the boat !!!
Goodbye snakes and voles.... Voles so far.. yes.. snakes... eh.. well summer is still on its way so only time will tell...
Once the dream is digested (Its been 2 months and its still sitting somewhere in the gullet)..... The work begins.... When I say work,, I dont mean the work that you are thinking of, with bad connotations... I mean, wholesome happy, blood sweat and tears with a CAUSE kinda work... Work that has PURPOSE...
When homeschooling, one finds any and every opportunity to make each and every thing into a life lesson... When we have to pick our own food, ... The lesson is magically done for you.... ...
This is OUR farm and we are building it up together to create enough food to feed you and your grand kids FOREVER... !!! Now that's a cause !
Beautiful and passionate previous owner who made the soil magical and able to grow peas in the summertime....
neat rows and water systems in place.... Respect to her !!!
But I have a different plan so here goes...
A permaculture food forrest in the midst of heaven.. here we come...
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