We're in, getting ready to relax, enjoy the view... blaaa deee blaaa...
Nope... Nature has a way of getting you off your butt and down and dirty...Which is actually fine because that is how I like to do things anyway... Fast and Furious.. (my poor family ).
Crazy winds that apparently hadn't been there in the last zillion years (according to a trusty neighbour)... I see it as a welcome sign from nature herself. She was just a little too happy to see us that day and BLEW DOWN THE WINDBREAKERS !!!! not a good thing ... Even though the storm over the sea was absolutely beautiful to watch and feel.
Herewith the story of the windbreakers. In permaculture - (I sound all wise as though Im an expert but Im Still a newbie at this.. I do have something called basic instinct and a bit of logic which also helps.)...
One uses every last little bit of anything and everything we can find in our space to make our lives easier.. Hence, if there is something there when you arrive, doing a job.. even though it might not be the prettiest thing in the world and your instinct is to rip it all down before you have planted the trees.. (who me, NEVER!).. DON"t be tempted.
Use it.
So instead of tearing them down in a frenzy, a wise soul or two encouraged me to keep them up.
The stand in gardener at the time.. (We were waiting for Good old Elvis, who lived on the farm with the previous owners, was out of town AND was the farms best friend)... Refused to get them up saying that it was too difficult and he needed a small army to help him (yes I am exaggerating for effect).
This would not do at all.. I decided to do it myself.. I might look like a petite person but I have the stubbornness of a bull and a secret weapon................
I produce children that are a strong as oxen and have determination and
brains to match.. !!
I called in the one which is Breeze as reinforcement and the job was done in no time.. Much to the shock and horror of the gardener... 2 city lady folks, finished the job without the army ?? Impossible..
Of course speaking in hillbilly accents and joking around during the process DOES help with the mundane task of lifting and threading... And having Snowy around to ward off any snakes and keep general good company adds to the moment as well.

I can't tell you how wonderful we felt, pink cheeks, sweat and sore fingers ... job done before the sun went down ready to show Husband/Dad.
Speaking of Husbands... Mine works VERY hard to be able to pay for farm and kids being homeschooled (ie, wife at home and not bringing in another income).. He also has a wonderful knack of trusting me with his precious things... kids and farm..
You don't let someone like this down easily..
Especially when having a veggy farm is my dream and he has provided it without a blink or hesitation.. p.s. I think that its his dream too.. farm life that is..
I'll tell you how I know this.
THE TOYS. Yes you heard me. Boys and their toys. He discovered the toys that go along with a farm.
Toy number 1
he he... Don't Mess with a man and his mower...
Next up.. lawn mower races with the neighbours !!
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