He came running in with the little bundle..
Her leg looked strange and stiff so we took her straight to the vet..
(the vet lives next door but we still drive to his office which is just in town)..
He looked at every tiny inch of her and couldn't find anything wrong..
He even took her temperate with the thermometer in her behind... to the utter shock and horror of little Ruthi !! he he..
As soon as we got home.. Breeze (15 year old daughter) swooped in and took over.. She made a little house for her from a soft fluffy hat and a cardboard box, Even blended up carrots and spinach and fed her with a homemade plastic bag bottle..
Of course knowing absolutely nothing about hares she did a bit of online perusing to see how to go about looking after her..
We had no idea how old she was which didn't help things at all..
Sweetest thing !!.. I wouldn't mind her eating all of the lettuce in the garden !! Well maybe not ALL !
After 2 days of hardly eating or drinking we started to worry..
I found her out of her box yesterday morning looking very cold and stiff, on touching her she fell over into a little spasm of sorts....
It almost looked as though her back or neck was broken.. How awefull... Breeze was out so I whisked her off to hubby who is known as the household hot water bottle because his body heat is boiling (like one of the wolves from twilight!)..... He sat with her for about 4 hours while I searched online to try and determine her age..(Gosh I love the internet )..
After looking at some pics we discovered that she was much younger than we had thought.. Well at least it seemed so.... maybe 1 week to 10 days..
A syringe and puppy formula was in order.. AND some rehydrate (pinch of sugar and salt in warm water).
We kept her close for the entire day.. body heat and food and water as often as possible..
It was like having a baby again.. he he..
A bit of kangaroo care for tiny little Poopsi (her name)
oo cute....
Everything was going so well, We were shocked when she had another spasm in the evening.
It was a big one that lasted about 30 minutes.. Justin (husband), held her again and watched her struggle with her life..
Sadly she died...
I would have held her if he wasn't there but it was too emotional at the time and I'm afraid that Im a wimp when it comes to someone else's suffering.. It's too much to handle..
If there isnt a brave soul about to give them comfort, Ill be there like a fierce lion to hold and protect. The responsibility of holding her and watching her die was just too much..
Little Joey was terribly sad in the morning when we told him and slightly confused because she looked so healthy before he went to bed..
We put her into a little box and wrapped her up in some cloth.

Next morning I caught a glimpse of Breeze marching into the secret garden with a box and a spade and watched her digging a hole that was VERY deep...
Poopsie was buried wrapped in a soft blanky and a ceremony was held in due respect with friends and family...
Sweet thing.... I just love the way kids make things so special.... Ruthi and her Friend Emma created a song, procession, a bunny reading, (which was wrapped in plastic and put onto the grave afterwards), flowers, glitter and WITH after funeral smoothies!
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