Our friend had some chickens, healthy, beautiful and ready to make their home with us...
But... The coup wasnt ready and it looked as though it wasnt going to be for a while..
I asked around for a chicken house which I have hopefully found, (recycle and reuse),, (holding thumbs for it)....
We have a doggy who finds fresh chickens very delicious so I cant just let them run around which would of course be ideal.. They DO however need a big enough space to be in so, some chicken wire is needed... LOTS of it, to make a fence...

The darn stuff costs a fortune and I haven't been lucky enough to find some that wants a home.. YET.. SO, while we are waiting to build them their fancy pansy chicken home with gardens... We decided to use the bird avery..
We found another home for the white doves which we inherited with the house..
Very sweet but none of us have a passion for doves so they were wasted on us.. (and we are vegetarian so we couldnt even make dove pie)..
(don't worry animal lovers, we found a good home for them and that ddoesn'tinclude being underneath a pie crust).
Good old Elvis and Jo transforming the dove avery into a chicken home..
We have a lovely field filled with grass which we are mowing and using as mulch for the garden and bedding for the chickens.
The idea is to throw compost in for them to eat... and after a few weeks take out all of the chicken poo, grass and leftover compost and use it to feed the veggies...
Wonderful fertilizer..
Not sure if I mentioned yet that wonderful Elvis DID return and he is absolutely FANTASTIC..
He lives on the farm and the plants literally flower when they see him.. He knows so much about veggies, plants, chickens, farming and is super strong.. definitely Joeys hero.
Time to release them
Ta DAAAA.. we now have a home for them while they are waiting....
One of them escaped and is happily prancing around the secret garden.. Yes the chicken hungry dog is still around but so far she can't even come close... there are far too many thorny hidy holes.. We do prick our ears for a shout from her every now and then though, just in case...
We have had an egg every day since.. (there are only 4 chickens so far, 2 of them a bit too young for laying).. This is wonderful news.. Being vegetarians, we need eggs.... 3 strapping growing veggy kids eat MANY eggs...
Most chickens are fed mielies (which are sadly Genetically modified).. I am a GMO activist... (didnt I tell you that part !!).... completely and utterly against GMO food and will do anything to avoid feeding it to my family..... NOW do you see how important our own eggs are?
Our chooks eat, sunflower seeds, plenty of compost and every now and then rice.... Looking forward to a few more to add to the family and to help it grow healthy and strong..
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